Saturday, November 29, 2014

My Glass is Full

I am a pessimist; a glass is half empty kind of girl. I seem to see a conspiracy around ever corner too. My sweet man on the other hand, is a true optimist; he sees the good in everything.  When we are in the midst of our everyday life, I have a tendency to be a Whiner. If things don't go the way I think they should, my heart's eyes only see the negative. It's at times like these that my honey will remind me of a story about a boy and a pony.
One Christmas time, a boy asked his parents for a pony; but when this little guy awoke on Christmas morning, all that was under the tree was a pile of manure, and a shovel.  The boy stood for a moment and contemplated the situation under the tree, he then grabbed the shovel and began to dig. His parents were astounded at this, and when they asked him what he was doing, and why he wasn't upset that there was no pony, the boy replied, "With this big a pile of manure, there has to be a pony in there somewhere."
The little boy in this story is what I am trying to be like! I want so much to have a thankful heart, to be grateful for all that the Lord has given, and even allowed. After all, all that I go through is for my benefit, my character growth, the ultimate good for me and for those around me.  When I view my life and it's situations, through the lens of the scriptures, I will see the good in all of it. I find that the more I train my thoughts towards thinking the good, it's much easier to see the good. It will take the power of the Spirit of God, working in my life, to bring about any lasting change in my thinking or behavior. So He, is what I am grateful for today. I'm thankful for His comfort in the sad times, for His teaching, for His love. I am so very grateful that He never gives up on me, that His sweet mercies are new each day.  I am thankful that God has changed my view of life over these past 30 years; and I am grateful for the chance to learn to look at the piles of manure of this life and to discover, with a bit of digging, that there is a pony in there......somewhere.

Monday, October 20, 2014

Help!!! I Don't Want to Fall Down!

We have a tree house in our yard. We didn't build it, the previous owner did. I really like the treehouse, but it needs to come down. It was built too close to the cottonwood trees and the roofline is cutting into their trunks. The sweet little house was placed on stilts, which are anchored on cement blocks. For some reason, the stilts aren't screwed into the metal supports that are on the blocks; and the little house is starting to lean to the side. It's very crooked now and not very sturdy. I don't want the grand kids, or any kids got that matter, to be in the treehouse, I'm afraid it will fall with them inside.
I was reading in Acts this morning, Peter's sermon to the people of Jerusalem. It's a good sermon, full of Old Testament scripture and encouragements. Towards the end of the sermon, Peter tells them (and us) to; "Repent......and to be saved from this perverse generation." The word perverse literally means, Crooked.
This generation, my generation of people; without Jesus, is truly crooked. We trust in 'houses' that are teetering, on the brink of collapse. These 'houses' are not built on the solid foundation of Jesus Christ, and the truth of the word of God. We, as a people, have built our 'houses' on shifting and unstable sand. So often people trust in the philosophies of humankind, the status quo; we set our hearts on things that will never satisfy. We put great expectations on our human relationships to make us happy and complete. We rely on self, and the strength of self.  When the hard times come, and they do come, we wonder why our 'houses' fall down. We will even blame God for their destruction; while all along, we've never involved Him at all in the building or in the maintaining of, our little 'houses.'
I pray for myself today. May I not trust in crooked things, may my 'house' be built on the foundation of Jesus Christ, and may its rooms be filled with every good thing.

Wednesday, October 15, 2014

Faith Remembers

I'm not one to daily write in a journal. I will however do so when I'm going through a difficult time. I have found that writing helps me to see my progress in the midst of trials and testings.  As I pray and seek the Lord for His comfort and wisdom, writing things down, helps me to remember.
I was reading in John 21 this morning. The portion that I was reading was the account of Jesus appearing to Peter, John, and the other disciples while they were out fishing one morning. John tells us that they saw a Man, standing on the shore; but they didn't recognize that He was the Lord. This Man asked them if they had caught any fish; and they answered, No. Then this Man instructed them to throw their nets on the right side of the boat; the disciples did as instructed and they caught a net full of fish.  It wasn't until they were trying to bring the heavy net into the boat, that John realized that the Man on the shore was Jesus. The lesson here is not about fishing, or the proper way to cast a net out of a boat, or the best time of day to fish, etc. No, it's a lesson of faith. When they tried to draw the net into the boat, and couldn't, it was in that moment, that John remembered.
I find it odd that the disciples didn't recognize Jesus' voice as He called out to them from the shore. Had they not been with Him night and day for 3 or more years? We know from the scriptures that Jesus spoke to the disciples, how He taught them with words, both in private and in public settings. So why didn't they recognize His voice? I can't fully understand this, for I wasn't there. But I saw in this portion of scripture how there are times that I might not recognize the voice of my Lord either,  but I will recognize His work/miracle in my life. So often I want to hear something. I want to get something from the scriptures that will help me to trust and be at peace. Yes, I've heard the Lord's voice and I've been "given" many portions of scripture while going through a hard time. Yet, what about the times of testing where I don't hear a word, or get a portion of scripture; when the skies seem to be hard as iron and it feels like my prayers don't make their way to heaven? I will go to the drawer of my bedside table that holds my journals, and I can pick one up, and go back over them and see the work/miracle of the Lord in my life.  As I read, I am reminded of God's goodness and love, I am reminded that He knows what is going on, and that He is listening to my prayers. As I look back on the record of the many miracles that the Lord has performed in my life, I see His hand of mercy and love; and this causes my faith to grow stronger. And as I continue to flip the pages of my journals, Faith Remembers; and I can say what John said to the other disciples, "It's the Lord!

Saturday, October 11, 2014

The Lord is My Shepherd

I read this beloved Psalm this morning and the Lord drew my attention to the word, my. So often in the living of my life, I forget that God belongs to me, He is mine.  He is my God, my Savior, my Father, and my Shepherd. I can trust Him to lead me, I can trust Him to save me, and I can trust Him to provide for all of my needs. Today I can trust that Creator God, in His grace and mercy, is watching over me, protecting me, and leading me; for The Lord will sweetly love me all the day long........and continue to love me forever.

Monday, April 7, 2014

Incorruptible Beauty #4

After I have moisturized my skin, I then begin to apply make-up; I call it, "putting on my face."  The first cosmetic that I apply is foundation. In the winter time, I use a liquid one and in the summer months, a mineral-powder one.  Using a good foundation helps to even out skin tone, and it is great for keeping my skin looking younger; some foundations claim to prevent wrinkles from even forming!  I wish........but for the sake of my little post, let's choose to say that they do!
If I may, I'd like to digress a bit.  I promise it will all make sense!  I am a seamstress.  If ever I needed to do so, I could make my own clothes.  In fact, I made most of my clothes in high school even my pants. I was very proud of the fact that I could make my own clothes and I enjoyed every aspect of the process; from choosing the pattern to choosing the fabrics and accessories, like buttons and zippers.  I used to buy corduroy for my pants and denim too, these fabrics have what is called a "nap."  These types of fabrics have texture to them, and depending on the light or the direction the fabric is turned, will make it look like it is a different color. I have also bought many pieces of patterned fabrics for skirts and blouses.  When I would shop for fabric, it was necessary to choose the correct one for the article of clothing I planned to make. If I were to use a patterned or floral or striped fabric, I needed more yardage, so that I could match the nap/design to each piece of my pattern. After all, you wouldn't want the stripe to be horizontal on the back of your blouse, while the front was vertical!  There were times that I would spy a bolt of fabric on a shelf, but only see a small portion of the fabric's design.  I would need to remove the bolt from the shelf, and let it "unroll" a bit, so that I could see the full picture of the design.  There were times that I would need to flatten out the fabric with my hands, because it had large folds or wrinkles in it too.  These folds and wrinkles would distort the pattern on the fabric.
Now, back to the topic at hand.  Wrinkles and folds on my skin can "distort" how I desire to look!  I know, these are apart of growing older, but don't we all try so hard to not let them show?  I know that I do!!
Cosmetic companies spend millions of dollars on advertising telling women that a good foundation will "fill-in" those little wrinkles (some of mine aren't so little anymore!) around our eyes and mouth; making them appear smaller than they truly are.  They will even go so far as to say that if you use their products, you won't even get wrinkles.
The Lord tells us, in the word, that trials and tests will come; and even if they didn't, just daily living can be a trial sometimes!  We have families to care for, homes to manage, maybe even a job outside of our homes.  We have ministries to do, a husband to serve, and a God who desires our ALL!!
I have learned that if I don't take my every thought captive, I will at some point, see my problem or trial in an ungodly light.  If I am not careful to apply the words of God to my situation, my view/perception of it will become distorted. 
Lately, during my quiet time, I have been reading the book of Numbers.  I just finished reading something today that was the prompt to write this post.

Numbers 8:1–4 The Lord said to Moses,  “Speak to Aaron and say to him, ‘When you set up the seven lamps, they are to light the area in front of the lampstand.’ ”  Aaron did so; he set up the lamps so that they faced forward on the lampstand, just as the Lord commanded Moses.  This is how the lampstand was made: It was made of hammered gold—from its base to its blossoms. The lampstand was made exactly like the pattern the Lord had shown Moses.

The Tabernacle lampstands are a picture of the Holy Spirit.  They were a "visual" given to the priests of Israel, to guide them into understanding the importance of not doing their priestly duties "in the dark."  Notice how the lampstands lights were to be facing forward!  These lights were given to light the way to the Most Holy Place.  It was to show the priests, the children of Israel, and us, that one of  the Holy Spirit's works in our lives is to light the way!  The way to where?  The most Holy Place, where the ark of the covenant was.  And on this ark was the Mercy Seat.  So often when I am going through a difficulty or a trial, or I'm just living my life, I find that I can see things in such a distorted way.  I find myself attributing to God characteristics that are not true about Him.  I can think that He doesn't care, that He doesn't see what is happening.  I find that I forget about MERCY and GRACE and TRUTH!! I find that as I "look" at God through my distorted view, the way becomes unclear and dark.  I also do this to people.  I find that if I don't turn to the Lord in every encounter with people, I will wind up seeing them in a "wrinkled" way.  Just like the bolts of fabric, it takes removing them from the shelf and allowing them to unroll, smoothing out the wrinkles and folds with my hands, to see the "true" pattern of the fabric, and not the one that was distorted by those folds and wrinkles.  I must apply this same principal in my dealings with others.  I need to ask the Holy Spirit to give me a clear view of the person's heart and motives, for He alone knows this.  I need to ask Him to show me portions of the word that might apply to the situation.  For if I continue to look at people or my trials, with all their "folds and wrinkles," I can be assured that my view of them will be wrong, and ungodly. 
Being a pastor's wife entails living under the scrutiny of others, we live in a "glass house" so to speak.  Sometimes people will want us to meet their needs, to be their all in all.  In place of turning to the Lord, they will want us to be there for them whenever they need us. There is no way to get around this, I believe that it will always be so.  I have found that there are times when this doesn't bother me much; but then, there are times when it bothers me a great deal!  
I have a "people-pleaser" type of personality.  This type of personality can be a blessing, but it can also be a curse! The blessing side of it brings a heart that wants to help, and it brings an ability to "see" on peoples' faces their need for a hug or a good word.  The cursed side of it is that if I am not careful, I will take to heart what people think of me or say of me, instead of the listening to the Holy Spirit.  As I have said in previous posts, the "words" or the "person," can become an idol to me. If I don't allow the Holy Spirit to "light the way," I find that people's words or actions will motivate me; and only the Holy Spirit of God is to be obeyed.
Another way that it can be a "curse" is when someone has a real need.  If I am not careful,  I can step in rashly before speaking to the Lord about it, and that is not good for anyone!  I must remember that God loves that person more than I do and He alone can meet their deepest needs.  Yes, sometimes He will use me, but I need to stop and ask Him first!  I don't ever want to take the place of God in someones' life.  
Each day as I am applying the foundation to my face, I ask the Lord to help me to see the world and the people around me through the light of His Holy Spirit.  I truly want to have eyes that have a clear view of life.  I want a mind that will meditate on the word's of God, and not on my circumstances or the words of another.  Unlike the cosmetic manufacturers, God can promise and deliver a view of life that is "wrinkle-free!" 

Psalm 26:3 For Your lovingkindness is before my eyes, And I have walked in Your truth.

(This is the fourth  post of a series titled, Incorruptible Beauty.  Please ask permission before you copy or use any portion of this series.  Thank you) 


Sunday, January 12, 2014

Incorruptible Beauty #3

After I've cleansed my face, the next step in my beauty to moisturize.  A good face moisturizer is necessary for a smooth application of my foundation; and a moisturizer helps to keep my skin soft and supple.
As I am applying lotion to my face, I am reminded to pray that my heart would be soft towards the Lord. I want my heart to be ready to receive whatever the Lord has for
I ask the Lord to help me keep my heart and my ears open to hear His voice.  I ask Him to keep my heart soft and full of compassion for my fellow men.  I want this day to be filled with His love, peace, and grace; for myself, and for others.  A soft heat is crucial to a gracious life.
Also, I want to have a heart that is open to God's instructions; to His rebukes, and to His whispered words of love...for me.  I want to have a heart that is obedient to God's plan for my

Isaiah 30:21 Your ears shall hear a word behind you, saying, “This is the way, walk in it,” Whenever you turn to the right hand Or whenever you turn to the left.

For quite a few years now, I have been practicing praying about.......everything!  And I mean.......everything.  As a pastor's wife, I get asked to do many things; I call them, 'Works of Love.'  I'm very blessed to be invited to baby showers and birthday parties, to bridal showers and to weddings.  But, if I'm not careful, my heart can begin to be 'hardened' with a busy life, and with a calendar filled with too many activities. My personality is such, that I will say, "Yes" to everything that is asked of me; teaching Sunday School, helping out at a church event, coffee/counsel dates, parties, and even babysitting.  I get so busy serving God, that I find myself not worshipping God!  And one aspect of worship is: obedience.  I learned long ago, that IF I have not asked God first; anything that I may say "Yes" to do (or "No" to do), this very 'work of love,' can become sin for me!  How can a 'work of love,' such as serving in the Sunday School, be sinful for me?  Because if God didn't ask me to do it, then I should not be doing it!  If He didn't say, "Yes", then I should be saying, "No!"  I belong to Jesus!  He bought me with His blood.  Therefore, He is the One to instruct me, not the world or my friends or my calendar. He gets to lead and guide me, and He gets to decide what my day looks like. God is the One who decides if I am to teach Sunday School, or go to a baby shower, or give of my finances, etc.  There will be times when a spur-of-the-moment decision must be made, and hopefully I will help out; but any commitment must be prayed about first.  
I ask the Lord to keep my heart soft to hear His prompting to pray about........everything!  I want my day to be filled with serving the Lord in such a way that what I do brings glory to Him.  I want any 'work of love' to last into eternity.  I want God to be pleased with my worship of Him, and I want my service to others be something that causes them to see Jesus.

Proverbs 3:5–7 Trust in the Lord with all your heart, And lean not on your own understanding; In all your ways acknowledge Him, And He shall direct your paths. Do not be wise in your own eyes; Fear the Lord and depart from evil.

(This is the third post of a series titled, Incorruptible Beauty.  Please ask permission before you copy or use any portion of this series.  Thank you)