Saturday, October 5, 2013

Incorruptable Beauty #2

Being clean, such a wonderful feeling!  Just as I need a clean face before I put my makeup on, so I need a clean heart to be able to serve my God.  If I want what I do to stand the test of time and eternity, than I must always remember to be living my life the way that God wants me to live. 
The way to being spiritually clean with God is repentance.  Repentance is one of those words that we don't hear too often anymore.  It seems that we make a lot of excuses for our sins and failings.  We seem to not want to admit that we are wrong.  It is pride that keeps us from repenting; but I think that it goes a bit deeper.  We, as women, have been trained from our babyhood that we need to be strong, beautiful, kind, pleasing, great housekeepers and cooks, awesome mothers, and sexy wives.  So often, we try so hard to be all of these things.  We try so hard that we begin to believe that it is only in doing/being perfect at them, that we are truly loved and wanted, and clean of sin.  We try so hard, that we can't imagine that we might be wrong, or in sin, or failing.  I don't know about you, but I can think this way; and I can believe that God wants me to be this way.......trying hard!  This is where the lie comes in.  To repent of something means that you are in agreement with God that what you have done, or failed to do, is wrong....according to God!  Not according to man, woman, society, friends, magazines, books, or myself!   God never, ever stops wanting us or loving us.  And, God never expects me to try hard! I am just supposed to obey from a heart of love. If I am looking at repentance from any other point of view than God's, I am wrong. 
I have discovered that if I want to live a life that is pleasing to God, than I must involve God in ALL of my decisions and in ALL that I do or don't do.  I must realize that my mind needs to change, what I think about myself needs to change!  For if my mind is changed my actions will follow.
I have come to realize that I put so much pressure on myself to be the 'Perfect Woman;' and I allow myself to be persuaded by this world or my friends as to what that 'perfection' looks like.

1 Corinthians 6:20 For you were bought at a price; therefore glorify God in your body and in your spirit, which are God’s.

I belong to God. I was bought with a price and I do not belong to myself any longer.  If I believe this to be true, than my actions should follow.  Therefore, God is the One who gets to decide how I look, how I act, what kind of wife and mother I am to be, what find of friend I am to be.  He alone is to decide what kind of woman I am to be.  It is when I go outside of this truth that I find myself feeling discouraged, feeling guilty, and like a failure.

1 Corinthians 7:23 You were bought at a price; do not become slaves of men.

As I begin my day my prayer should be one that seeks to please God and not self or others.  If I am pleasing to God than I'll be a woman who is godly; not perfect, but godly.
As I cleanse my face, in preparation for my make-up, I pray that my mind is cleansed as well.  I ask the Lord to remove any thoughts that are contrary to His word and to His will for my life.
As I wrote in my first post about this, dirt and oils clog our skin's pores and that produces blemishes.  If my heart is clogged with sin and selfishness, than sinful action occur.  The same holds true of my mind.  If I allow impure thoughts, ideas, desires, and needs to clutter up my mind, than I will not be allowing God to guide my day and it's decisions.   Don't get me wrong.  There is nothing wrong with wanting to be pretty, wanting to be a good wife and mom, to be a godly servant friend.  But, it is wrong if we allow anything or anyone other than God to dictate to us how-to be this kind of woman. 

Romans 12:1–2  I beseech you therefore, brethren, by the mercies of God, that you present your bodies a living sacrifice, holy, acceptable to God, which is your reasonable service. And do not be conformed to this world, but be transformed by the renewing of your mind, that you may prove what is that good and acceptable and perfect will of God.

(This is the second post of a series titled, Incorruptible Beauty.  Please ask permission before you copy or use any portion of this series.  Thank you) 

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