Saturday, September 15, 2012

"And the Bride says, 'Come.'"

"Nothing is intolerable that is necessary.  Now God has bound thy trouble upon thee, with a design to try thee, and with purposes to reward and crown thee.  These cords thou canst break; and therefore lie thou down gently and suffer the hand of God to do what He pleases."  Jeremy Taylor
My grandson, Adam, had a routine appendectomy a few weeks back.  The surgery went well, he was released from the hospital that same evening.  The surgeon sent the appendix to the lab for pathology, which is protocol when a organ is removed from a person's body.  The lab discovered a pea-size tumor in the appendix, and with further testing found it to be cancerous.  The doctors are confident that the cancer is out of his body, but my daughter and her husband are having more tests done......blood and urine tests, and a PET scan.....just to be sure. 
Cancer, I hate that word!  I hate the waiting to hear if all will be ok with Adam.  I hate the thought that it might not be ok.  I hate the thought that my sweet baby girl and her man, may have to go thru the most horrible thing any parent could imagine, the sickness, or the death of their first born son. I hate the thought that my grandson may need to go thru chemo or worse. And yet, in the midst of all this HATE, I have been reminded that there is LOVE.......the love of a Father in heaven Who sees all and is intimately involved in all of this.  A God, Who promises to bring good through ALL things.  A God, Who will never, ever leave or forsake us.  God's love for us is so great that He sent His first born, His only Son to make a way for us to remain ALIVE forever.  Yes, we are not getting out of this world, "alive."  We will all either die, or we will be taken-up in the rapture.  Either way, we will go to be with our loving Father; and all of this world's sickness and sin will be done away with.  There will be no such word as "cancer" in heaven.  There will be no such word as "hate" in heaven.  Love will reign there, and great will be our peace and joy.
"Come quickly, Lord Jesus."

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