Wednesday, April 24, 2013

"Time For Lunch!"

The miracle of the Loaves and Fish has been on my heart lately.  Here in this story, Jesus and the disciples were on their way to having a time of rest, a bit of a vacation.  But the multitudes followed them.  The Bible tells us that the day was turning to night, and that Jesus had compassion on the crowd of people, for He knew that they were hungry. As Jesus looks at the crowd, He sees an opportunity to serve them, but also our Lord takes the time to teach the disciples another lesson.....a lesson about our God's love and care of people.  Jesus could have just let the people return home for their supper.  He could have let the disciples have a bit of a rest; in fact,wasn't that was what was supposed to be happening?  But our Lord never passes up on an opportunity to love on people. And, He wants us to do the same. 
As Jesus asks the disciples to "feed the crowd" the disciples are taken aback by this request. And I can understand why!!  I can almost see their faces.  Their mouths' drop open, eyes widen, and then the spoken words of, "Where are we going to get that much food?"  Jesus asks, "How much food do you have?"  "Only this boys' lunch," they answer back.  So Jesus tells the disciples to tell the crowd to sit down!  What??  Just, "Sit down?"  No, "Tell them to go home," or "Tell them to go and get themselves some dinner and come back tomorrow?"  Nope, just sit down.  Then Jesus takes the few loaves and the fish and makes into them.....a great feast!  There was enough for all!  And not only that, there were 12 baskets of leftovers too! 
The Lord was showing that He had power over creation, but I believe more importantly, He was showing the disciples (and me) that He will give to me all that I need so that I may give to others!!  There will be no lack!  We have heard it said, "Where God guides, He provides," and this story proves that fact.
God wants it ALL.......everything!!  There can be no holding back. When He calls, there can be no, "But I need my rest," or "I need time to myself."  Now rest and relaxing aren't bad or wrong.  But, I need to be willing to give of these to my Jesus when He asks for them!! What if the young boy had wanted to keep his little lunch to himself?  He could have, for it belonged to him. I too, can keep my "little bit," but that is all I will have, a "little bit." 
Jesus asks us to bring what we have.....and to bring all that we have.  It may be a lot or it may be a little. The choice is ours.  I can keep my "meager loaves and fish," and feed myself.....and maybe a few others.  Or I can give my "little lunch" to the Lord and let Him bless it, break it, and feed many.....myself included!!

The young lions lack and suffer hunger; But those who seek the Lord shall not lack any good thing.  Psalm 34:10

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